Component Warning Notice (CWN)

The Component Warning Notice (CWN) is a series of tools to provide enhanced awareness for those coming in contact with structural building components.  

The CWN is a notification to be placed on the products that component manufacturers produce, such as roof trusses, floor trusses, and wall panels. SBCA has created the Component Warning Notice, a best practice series of tools which includes the Component Warning Notice Sheet, the Component Warning Notice Tag, and the Component Warning Notice Website. 

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Component Warning Notice Tag is intended for application on every truss and component sent to a jobsite. Having a tag on every truss provides an opportunity for the CWN to be seen by all installers on the jobsite. The CWN Tag has detailed graphics and specific warning language and colors as stipulated in ANSI Z535, in addition to a QR code to the CWN Website. 

Component Warning Notice Sheet is now included in SBCA Standard Jobsite Packages in addition to being available for purchase on their own. The Component Warning Notice Sheet is comprised of safety information, specific warning language and colors as stipulated in ANSI Z535, and a QR Code to the CWN Website. 

Component Warning Notice Website is a live version of the CWN at This website will consist of the most up to date version of the CWN, allowing for improvement through the implementation process of this series of tools. 

These three tools combined create a system for maximum awareness for anyone that comes in contact with structural building components, such as roof trusses, floor trusses, and wall panels. 

The Component Warning Notice Tag and Component Warning Notice Sheet can be purchased on the SBCA Store

Please Contact Us with any questions.