Advertising Opportunities
It is the consistent, loyal support of our advertisers that provides a strong foundation for our industry's publication.
Our Mission
The mission of SBCA Magazine is to inform those engaged in the structural building components industry, which includes the membership of the Structural Building Components Association (SBCA), in an effort to promote their common interests. Further, SBCA Magazine strives to ensure growth, continuity and increased professionalism in this industry by staying abreast of leading-edge issues and serving as the industry's primary source of information.
Editorial Focus
The exclusive focus of SBCA Magazine’s editorial content is on the products and issues of importance to manufacturers and distributors of structural building components. SBCA Magazine’s scope includes information on regulatory action; handing, installing and bracing of products on the jobsite; raw materials; trends in building materials and building material distribution; building component research and testing; technical, engineering and design issues; building code news; economic forecasts; legislative activities; human interest; safety; risk management and contracts and industry best practices.
Article Submission Policy
The SBCA Magazine editorial staff strives to maintain the magazine’s journalistic integrity. Because we want to provide objective industry articles to our readers, SBCA Magazine does not publish submitted content that promotes a particular product, service, method, material, or business approach. This includes any submission that resembles editorial copy but is, in essence, advertising. The goal it is to provide science-based and appropriately referenced information, topical opinion points of view and key current industry specific articles to the broader structural building components industry and all those that are reading SBCA Magazine.
Editorial Review Board Considerations:
Has the topic been identified by our readers as an important topic?
Does the article have applicability within the structural building components industry beyond a small and identifiable minority/subset of companies?
Does the article contain enough valuable information to allow the reader to make a more insightful business decision within the realm of the structural components industry? (i.e., is there new and valuable “meat”?)
Has the topic of the article been covered in recent articles?
Does the article provide a balanced set of viewpoints regarding a key industry topic, method, material, or business approach?
Are assertions made by the author properly sourced/cited?
Is it clear to the reader how the author reached his/her conclusions (e.g., interviews, other publications, writer’s personal opinion)?
Does the article avoid vague terms such as “many people think…” or “most would agree…”?
Does the article allow the reader to thoroughly understand and assess the facts and draw conclusions or criticisms of the editorial content?
Article Submission Guidelines
Feature articles submitted to SBCA Magazine should range from 800-1500 words. Articles should include visual aids such as graphs, pictures, figures or other pictorial representations of the text. We prefer electronically submitted articles in a PC-compatible format such as MS Word or PDF.
Please send articles to the Managing Editor. See above for editorial calendar and deadlines.
While we accept submissions from anyone who works with or has knowledge of structural building components, here are some specific areas to consider. Please note that any submissions become property of SBCA Magazine.
Parting Shots
Turn to the inside back cover of SBCA Magazine and you’ll see a section we call Parting Shots. Send us your industry-related photos, and we’ll consider them for print. Examples include interesting design projects, correct (or incorrect) jobsite practices, SBCA Chapter events and old photos that demonstrate historical industry events. All photo submissions are subject to art department review.
For SBCA Magazine Advertisers/Industry Suppliers
SBC advertisers’ support of the industry helps us reach our goal of educating readers. Another way advertisers and other industry suppliers can educate readers is by submitting content that fits the guidelines of our Article Submission Policy. Suppliers are encouraged to submit articles for consideration or contact SBC staff with an article idea. Preference may be given to SBC Advertisers in terms of space reservation. Contact staff if you have an idea or questions.
For Engineers
Professional engineers seeking continuing education units are encouraged to submit articles for publication. Articles should be technical in nature and address engineering topics that relate to the design, manufacture, or installation of structural building components. If published, send your state’s CEU criteria to SBC staff and we’ll provide the necessary documentation to redeem your credits.
Policies for Republishing Article & Documents
REPUBLISHING SBCA COPYRIGHTED DOCUMENTS WITHOUT SBCA COMPENSATION: If any material from SBCA Magazine's articles is copied for use for purely promotional and educational purposes and not for resale, then SBCA will provide permission for all of the specified article(s) provided SBCA Magazine is given credit as source of the document and a link to our website is given as
REPUBLISHING SBCA COPYRIGHTED DOCUMENTS WITH SBCA COMPENSATION: If any material from our articles is copied and then used within another document for the purpose of generating income for another association or corporation, then SBCA, with the approval of the SBCA Executive Committee, will (1) sell the article and all of it can be included in the new publication in its original form; (2) will grant permission to copy and republish all or portions of the article with SBCA receiving a royalty for the sale of each new document published. The royalty will be agreed upon by SBCA and the party requesting permission. For copyright requests, please contact SBCA staff.