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Mission Statement
The committee will promote knowledge sharing and expertise among SBCA members in matters specific to safety in component plants, offer direction to address in-plant safety issues, serve as a resource for updates to the SBCA Operation Safety program, and explore best practices for in-plant safety, and if necessary, create draft policy or recommendations for consideration by the Management Committee and the Board of Directors.
Join the Safety Committee
Safety Committee
Luke Wiesen
General Manager, Truss Craft - Nebraska
Mike Boswell
Production Manager, Lumber Specialties - Osceola
Jackie Crutcher
Division Manager, Wilson Lumber - Westmoreland
Anthony Duel
Quality Control & Safety Specialist, Builders FirstSource - Wadena
Jason Fetterley P.E
Forensic Engineer, Nederveld, Inc
Howard E Gauger
Vice President of Component Design R & D Thiel/CCA-IL, Carpenter Contractors of America - Belvidere
Robert Harrison
Safety Coordinator, True House Inc. - Jacksonville, Alta Drive
Richard Langton
Regional Vice President, Bowermaster & Associates
John Moore
Regional Safety and Lean Coordinator, Franklin Building Supply - Jerome, 602 W Main
Chad Pagels
Regional Continuous Improvement Manager, Zeeland/Standard Wyoming Truss
Richard P Parrino
General Manager, Gilcrest/Jewett - Waukee
Brian Reid
Shop Supervisor, Wood Tech, Inc.
Wendall Whitaker
Production Manager, Big C Lumber Structural Building Components
Javan L Yoder
Exec. VP, Stark Truss Company, Inc. - Canton 1
Molly Butz
Managing Director, Structural Building Components Association