Building Component
Safety Information (BCSI) Guide 

Produced by SBCA, BCSI is the component industry's guide for jobsite safety and prescriptive truss restraint and bracing recommendations. This document (3-hole punched and spiral bound) includes the most current information regarding the handling, installation, restraining and bracing of metal plate connected wood trusses. 

BCSI includes information and guidance pertaining to both temporary and permanent lateral restraint and diagonal bracing for 2x, 3x, and 4x trusses spaced 2 feet on center, and trusses spaced more than 2 feet on center. With references to building codes, standards, and OSHA regulations, BCSI consists of the most current information regarding the handling, installing, restraining and bracing of metal plate connected wood trusses. 


Building Component Safety Information (BCSI) Guide 2025 Edition 

BCSI has been updated and the newest edition, 2025. The new BCSI-2025 guide will provide users, including component manufacturers, building designers, truss designers, project owners, builders, contractors, and building officials with an easy to understand, and use, guide that provides background information as well as prescriptive recommendations for the safe installation and bracing of floor and roof trusses. The new version of SBCA’s flagship document represents a complete revision to the formatting and updates to specific best practices while maintaining prior context. Most notably, the historic B-series arrangement of the document has been transformed into a document with a chapter layout including section numbering to streamline content in a chronological order and reduce content redundancy. Additionally, content is presented in a single column text format with updated graphics. The technical content and prescriptive recommendations in the guide were enhanced, clarified, and improved, as well. If you are subscribed to SBCA’s Electronic BCSI, that will update automatically to the new BCSI-2025.  

Substantial Technical Changes to BCSI 

  • Permanent diagonal brace spacing requirements. The recommended spacing of permanent diagonal braces for web members has been revised based on the compression force in the web member. The diagonal brace spacing will vary between 3 truss spaces for trusses with high force web members and 10 truss spaces for lower force web members. 
  • Permanent Web Reinforcing. Recommended web reinforcing solutions now only include “T” and “I” reinforcing options. “U”, “L”, and scab reinforcing options have been removed. 
  • Piggyback truss flat top chord bracing is similar to permanent diagonal web bracing spacing. The spacing requirements for the flat portion of the top chord decrease as the force in the chord increases. Instead of standard 10-foot diagonal brace spacing, the diagonal brace spacing is based on the force in the flat top chord member. As a result, a closer diagonal brace spacing compared to previous versions. An option using structural sheathing to brace the flat top chord member has been added as an alternative solution. 

Any questions about the revised BCSI? Contact SBCA Staff | 608-274-4849.  


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