Open Quarterly Meetings
Join us at an Open Quarterly Meeting to learn and network with component manufacturers from all over the country!
Who do you turn to when you want ideas on ways to improve your business operations? Where do you go to find information on the best way to solve a problem nagging your design or production departments? How do you reach out to your industry peers to find out what’s happening today in the marketplace that will affect your bottom line tomorrow?
One of the most effective ways to answer all of these questions is to attend an SBCA Open Quarterly Meeting (OQM).
The goal of each OQM is to bring component manufacturers (CMs) and suppliers together to discuss the latest issues facing the components industry. Besides BCMC, OQMs are one of the most valuable investments CMs can make both from the perspective of return on that investment and industry-specific best practice development. Given their focus on open dialogue and social interaction, the relationship building opportunities at each OQM are unparalleled.
Upcoming Meetings
Past Meetings
- March 11-13, 2025: Charleston, SC
- July 9-11, 2024: Bellevue, WA
- May 14-16, 2024: Asheville, NC
- March 26-28, 2024: Fort Worth, TX
- July 25-27, 2023: Buffalo, NY
- May 2-4, 2023: Nashville, TN
- Jan 24-26, 2023: Phoenix, AZ
- July 25-27, 2022: Boston, MA
- May 16-18, 2022: Williamsburg, VA
- Jan 25-27, 2022: New Orleans, LA
- July 27-29, 2021: Park City, UT
- May 24-26, 2021: White Sulphur Springs, WV
- Jan 26-28, 2021: San Antonio, TX
–Larry Dix II • Apex Truss • Warsaw, VA
Member Feedback
“If you don't learn something at one of these meetings, you're not paying attention.”
– Gene Frogale • Blue Ocean Development • Chantilly, VA
“Having been in the truss business for over 40 years, I often think I know just about all there is to know. However, as I continue to engage with the friends I’ve made through SBCA and listen to how they solve problems, I continue to broaden my perspective on how to tackle issues. More than ever, as building code, regulatory and material supply issues arise one after another, we all need to be fully aware of what we don’t know. SBCA meetings are the best place to find out exactly what we might be overlooking.”
– Jack Dermer • American Truss Systems • Houston, TX
“Our meetings are full of people passionate about their businesses and the whole industry. We check our company hats at the door and become brothers-in-arms focused on fighting to expand the market for structural components everywhere. The meetings are fun, and if you haven't attended a meeting before, I'd encourage you to come and see it for yourself.”
– Jim Finkenhoefer • True House Inc. • Oxford, GA
OQMs are well-attended and provide a great deal of value to members through educational and networking opportunities.
Many thanks to our 2025 OQM Sponsors
Other Events
Local Chapter Meetings
Join other SBCA members in your state, or region, to network, share ideas, and help solve issues impacting the structural building component industry.
Building Component Manufacturers Conference
The Building Component Manufacturers Conference (BCMC) has become a trusted venue for structural building component manufacturers to learn about the latest ideas, products and trends throughout their entire supply chain. The annual tradeshow includes a dynamic exhibit floor with machinery demonstrations, educational opportunities and the chance to enjoy the camaraderie of an industry that spans generations. Non-members who qualify as a Component Manufacturer Member and submit a completed membership application and applicable dues along with their BCMC registration form may deduct the first registration fee - a $195 savings.