Exterior Brick Masonry Veneer Supported By Wood Trusses
Research Report No.: 1605-04
Issue Date: July 19, 2016
Update Date: October 28, 2016
Prescriptive installation requirements for supporting brick veneer with wood frame are specified in the 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) with limitations but the use of brick veneer supported by Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses (MPCWT) is not covered by the prescriptive methods of either the International Building Code (IBC) or the IRC. Even so, code compliant use of MPCWT to support brick veneer can be accomplished and can be applied to many different situations utilizing MPCWT’s.
This presentation shows how code compliant use of MPCWT to support brick veneer can be accomplished and can be applied to many different situations utilizing MPCWT’s.