SBCA Leadership Spotlight: Gene Frogale

Framing News, Industry News,

Originally Published by: SBCA Magazine — July 9, 2024
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Gene Frogale

Gene Frogale is the current Past-President of the Structural Building Components Association (SBCA); this year is his 30th year involved with SBCA. As the current Past-President, Gene has also held the roles of Secretary, Treasurer, and President of SBCA, sitting on the SBCA Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Additionally, he is the Past-President of the SBCA Capital Area Chapter, Co-Chair of the Membership Committee and Chair of the Governance Committee; he also holds a seat on the Finance Committee and is an SBCA Foundation Trustee. Gene’s favorite part of the association and structural building components industry is the people. Gene claims, “Truss people are the best people in the world!”  

Some of Gene’s goals for the association are to continue growing SBCA membership, and for our industry to continue striving towards innovative ideas and new ways of doing things. Gene has had many accomplishments throughout his career, but he is particularly proud of leading the charge to successfully increase SBCA’s membership to over 800 members during his SBCA presidency (2021-2023). Some other highlights for Gene are the home dedication SBCA partnered on with Operation Finally Home, the amazing work of SBCA local chapters, and the continuing support from and for this industry by not only contributing time and knowledge to the association through education and networking opportunities, but by also giving back through donations to the SBCA Foundation. 

"Gene has made a significant impact within the association and the industry. His dedication and passion are valued by those he works with," says Jeff Taake, SBCA President. "His roles on the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, as well as his tenure as President and now as Past-President, reflect his commitment to advancing the association's interests and ensuring a positive future for the industry. I look forward to continuing our work for SBCA and the industry”

"Gene, as the former president of the SBCA and current co-chair of the Membership Committee, has tirelessly worked to achieve our membership goals, leveraging his leadership and commitment to significantly expand and unite our association," says Talia Zanotelli, SBCA's Membership Coordinator. "His passion and dedication serves as a constant source of motivation and inspiration to others."

Gene earned his bachelor’s degrees in History and Philosophy from Williams College and his EMBA from George Mason University. He currently resides in Virginia where he is the President of Blue Ocean Development and Founding Partner of Moment Innovations, LLC. In addition to his work, Gene finds great joy in philanthropic endeavors and served as the Chairman of the Real Estate Committee and is a former Board Member on the George Mason University Foundation. Additionally, he is the Senior Life Director, Past-President, and past Membership Committee Chair for the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association. Aside from his passion for the industry and philanthropy efforts, as many may know, Gene is a true history buff and loves to share his knowledge for the past, and interestingly (but not surprisingly) was an AP U.S History Teacher at the Bullis School early in his career. In his free time, you can find Gene golfing, watching football, or attending the opera. Gene can be reached at