2022 NFC Dues Letter from the President
On behalf of the National Framers Council (NFC), thank you for being part of our dynamic organization. Your support of this national association helps us develop and share much needed resources to the framing industry and the entire construction supply chain. Please renew your membership for the coming year and continue your investment in our efforts to improve jobsite safety and increase the professionalism of every framer. Our core mission is to help every framing contractor member grow their business and be successful in this fast-paced environment.
Our goals include but are not limited to collectively creating a safer workplace for all framers, developing framing standards, educating members, building new relationships, and coming alongside framing contractors to help them find ways to take advantage of the opportunities in their market to grow their business and make their daily lives easier.
Our partnership with the Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) is just one example of how are having a meaningful impact on workplace safety. The CISC is made up of 30 trade associations from all sectors of the construction industry, and focuses heavily on workplace safety and health, with each member committed to helping create safer construction jobsites for workers. Through our involvement with the CISC we have been able to have a direct and valuable voice in the direction OSHA takes in developing an industry standard for COVID-19, heat-related illnesses, and powered trucks used on the jobsite.
The more framers we bring into the organization, the stronger we become as we seek to create framing standards for our industry. As a member, you already understand the value of being part of the organization. I’m asking you to please help us reach out and bring more framers and general contractors into the NFC. Their involvement will not only help them up their game, it will also make your life easier as they tap into the best practices, standards and resources we’ve developed.
Of course, one of the most valuable parts of your membership is our annual Framer’s Summit. This year, the summit will be held in Columbus, Ohio, September 13-15. This two-day event is now being held in conjunction with the BCMC trade show, which allows us tap into some of the big events they will be offering, including keynote speaker Emmitt Smith and a housing and economic forecast by leading economist Ali Wolf. Of course, the Summit will also feature several roundtable discussions on everything from ongoing lumber market challenges and contract negotiations to a discussion with the head of OSHA’s Region 6. You also don’t want to miss our expanded table top exhibition, which promises to give every framer a chance to improve their businesses and have some meaningful opportunities to network. Mark your calendar today and get more details at framersummit.com.
From updates to FrameSAFE to standards development to the Framer’s Summit, we continue to increase the value of the organization to the framing industry. All of this is made possible through our relationship with the Structural Building Components Association (SBCA). We are working more closely together to expand opportunities for both framers and component manufacturers to collaborate and succeed together in the market.
Chris Breedlove
2022 NFC President
Ace Carpentry, Inc.