SBCA Open Quarterly Meeting - Massachusetts
Join us for an opportunity to learn and network
Join SBCA and our membership at the third quarter Open Quarterly Meeting in Boston, Massachusetts at the Hotel Commonwealth from July 25th-27th. There will be strategic planning for 2023, MSR Lumber Production Panel, SBC Foundation updates, committee meetings, networking, and more!
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you registered for tickets to the Red Sox game, you will still need to register for the OQM. In addition, if you are going to the game on Monday or Tuesday night, please note that you will not want to register for dinner the same night you are going to the game. Food will be provided at the ballpark.
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Attendee List (attendees-only)Download Confirmation PacketMeeting Materials & Attendee List (attendees-only)
Hotel Commonwealth
Our room block with Hotel Commonwealth has been filled and closed. There are other local area hotels within walking distance but SBCA has not been able to add rooms or obtain a group rate as it is a home Red Sox game week.
Boston Logan International Airport (
Additional Information
Things to do in Boston | Hotel Commonwealth Boston
Boston Agenda
All are welcome to join each day. Please note the times below are ET.
7/25 – Monday
1-5pm – Welcome & General Session
- MSR Production Presentation
- SBCA Focused Breakout
- Small group format with a variety of topics
- SBCA Focused Breakout Review
- Large group
6:15pm – Groups depart for either the Red Sox game OR Group Dinner
6:30-9pm – Group Dinner at EVOO
7:10pm – First Pitch, Red Sox Game
7/26 – Tuesday
8-9am – Breakfast
9-10am - Strategic Plan/Strike Force Breakout
- Small group format for each Strike Force
10-11am - Strategic Plan/Strike Force Review
- Large group
11am-12pm - SBCA Committees Breakout
- Small group format
12-1pm- Lunch
1-1:30pm - SBCA Committees Breakout Review
- Large group
1:30-2:45pm - CM Focused Roundtables
- Small group format
2:45-3:15pm - CM Roundtable Review
- Large group
3:45pm – Depart for team building
4-6pm - Team Building (Offsite)
6:15pm – Groups depart for either the Red Sox game OR Group Dinner
6:30-9pm – Group Dinner at Back Bay Social
7:10pm – First Pitch, Red Sox Game
7/27 – Wednesday
7:30-8:30am – Breakfast
8:30-11am – Board Meeting
Please contact Ali Saladin at 224-236-3841 or if you have questions.
Many thanks to our 2022 OQM Sponsors
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