Insulating Concrete Form Sill Plate Requirements
Research Report No.: 1611-02
Issue Date: March 24, 2017
Update Date: March 24, 2017
Efficiency is a goal that most strive to achieve in the form of cost, fuel, energy, time and many other resources. The building industry has focused on various aspects of efficiency over the past several years. Many innovative solutions came from this initiative, one of which was Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs). In an effort to standardize and simplify construction with ICF systems, some general detailing may be overdesigned
This Research Report will look specifically at the sill plate requirements according to the 2009, 2012, and 2015 International Residential Code (IRC) and International Building Code (IBC) and clarify if a sill plate is required in the following conditions:
- Flat truss bottom chord bearing on ICF wall.
- Flat truss top chord bearing on ICF wall.
- Roof truss bearing on ICF wall.