President's Message: Advancement in the Framing Industry
Introducing New Ways to Grow and Learn Together
As my third year serving as the National Framers Council (NFC) President winds down, I remain as humbled and grateful for this opportunity today as I was on day one. Reflecting back to the late 2010s, when I became involved with the NFC prior to this role, I was uncertain of what to expect but remained open-minded and curious. Surrounded by successful and established framers whose positive reputations preceded them, my initial interactions with them involved gleaning from their knowledge and experience at roundtable events, learning about and utilizing FrameSAFE, and joining committees. Some of those framers have since retired and others are planning for it. I’ve learned that as the torches are passed and things evolve, there remains a common thread and desire to impact things for the better. This can apply to family, business, or the industry.
Each year, the NFC has progressed with its own unique and vibrant personality that is dependent on a variety of factors, such as market conditions, history, outlook, and the people involved. The NFC impacts and reaches more than just framers, but also truss and component manufacturers, structural engineers, general contractors, other product manufacturers, and suppliers, amongst others in both the single-family and multi-family markets.
This year, we experienced a time of inflation and higher interest rates with an economy that some would compare to a recession. This is impacting many projects from penciling and therefore not moving forward. It has caused businesses to rethink strategy and get creative. While this has not been a challenge we have faced as an industry in recent years, many seasoned veterans have dealt with this before in their lifetimes.
Each year the NFC has progressed with its own unique and vibrant personality that is dependent on a variety of factors such as market conditions, history, outlook, and the faces involved.
As we continue to find ways to grow together and learn from one another in situations like this, we will succeed together. This is evidenced by our strong and lively membership. Our Steering Committee is as diverse and dedicated as it has ever been. Staff continues to provide exceptional support. The NFC and SBCA are working together regularly with a proactive and collaborative spirit. A great example of this is the current revision process of the SBCA’s Building Component Safety Information (BCSI) booklet.
Safety remains a cornerstone of the NFC and what the organization was founded on. The FrameSAFE program continues to expand as we take part in the Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) and participate in stand down campaigns. We strive to “Work safely. Go home safely.”
Our events are growing and are well-attended. I have realized in recent years that, with Covid impacting our industry, it is critical for us as human beings to still get together in person and shake hands with a smile, break bread, share ideas, and be social creatures. It is easy to find ourselves behind a computer screen and use amazing tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), but interacting with one another is still a necessary factor.
I look forward to our in-person events each year. One of my personal favorites is the NFC Regional Meeting & Golf Tournament in Maryland. It consists of excellent speakers, a delicious meal, happy hour, and a day of golf. While attendance has been rising, golf scores seem to be dropping and getting better each year! I leave with new takeaways each year I attend.
I also enjoy the BCMC & Framer Summit and Open Quarterly Meetings (OQMs), where together we address a variety of educational topics, network, and mix in some fun with team building events. We reconnect with industry peers and colleagues in both the NFC and SBCA, many of whom have become friends and for whom I have tremendous respect. Witnessing their dedication and work ethic, along with these relationships that have developed over the years, has been special and continues to motivate me.
As the NFC continues to find new ways to provide value to members by launching this magazine, we hope it will serve as a new avenue to reach both existing and new members in a different light. Opportunity presents itself every day to those who look for it. Being a lifelong learner encourages growth and improvement. As the NFC continues to search for ways to reach framers and markets of all shapes and sizes, showcase members and projects, establish professionalism in our industry, build interest, and promote safety, this magazine can serve as another vehicle for connection.
I look forward to continuing to advance our industry together and connecting at the BCMC & Framer Summit in Milwaukee, WI, this year, and at future events, as well.
Thank you!
Chris Breedlove
NFC President