SBCA Features New Quality Program Training Across Country
Originally Published by: SBCA Magazine — January 28, 2025
SBCA appreciates your input; please email us if you have any comments or corrections to this article.
Product quality is a key element of the component manufacturing industry, which is why SBCA is dedicated to providing a comprehensive set of industry-specific quality management tools and resources for component manufacturers.
SBCA offers its cutting-edge Digital QC software free to member companies. The number of manufacturing locations using the digitized approach to quality control (QC) inspections has grown at an exponential rate since its original release.
In 2025, SBCA is taking the next step by offering Quality Bootcamps to both member and non-member companies. These two-day live events will be held across the country, giving manufacturers the opportunity to learn from SBCA instructors on how to maximize the benefits of both the Digital QC software, as well as better understand how to get the most value out of Third-Party Quality Assurance (QA) audits.
Each attendee of these bootcamps will leave with a thorough understanding of both QC and QA, and how they can be applied to their component manufacturing plant. The first portion of the program will be targeted towards company management and will provide an in-depth look into the different roles and responsibilities within a quality management program. The rest of the event will be dedicated to educating QC inspectors and other production team members on how to implement an effective QC management program using Digital QC and a Third-Party QA audit.
While dates are still being solidified, SBCA plans to host Quality Bootcamps in the following cities/regions over the course of 2025:
- Region 2: Phoenix, AZ – February 11-12, 2025
- Region 6: Charleston, SC - March
- Region 3: Minneapolis/Madison/Rockford - May
- Region 5: Washington D.C. - June
- Region 1: Spokane/Boise - July
- Region 4: Dallas/Fort Worth/Oklahoma City - November
- Region 2: Oakland/Sacramento, CA - December
The schedule for each two-day event will roughly follow this outline:
Bootcamp AM Day 1—Classroom (For CM Managers/Owners)
8:00a-12:00p Management/Owner’s Role in Quality Management
Bootcamp PM Day 1—Classroom (For Production/QC Inspectors)
1:00p Quality Control vs. Quality Assurance and Components of a Quality Program
1:30p ANSI/TPI 1 Chapter 3: Learn it, Embrace it, Love it!
2:00p Proper Paper/Vellum Based QC Inspections
3:00p Break
3:15p SBCA Digital QC Overview & Demonstration
4:15p Quality Audit 3rd Party Inspections
5:00p Adjourn Day 1
Bootcamp Day 2—Hands-On Training (For Production/QC Inspectors)
8:00a QC Inspection Demos, Comparing Traditional Paper-and-Pencil to Digital QC
10:00a Using the Digital QC Website and Inspection Reports
12:00p Adjourn Day 2
Information specific to each event will be sent out to each region as their event nears, but you can always check this webpage [URL] for the most updated information regarding SBCA’s Quality Bootcamps.