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Technical Assessment Test Online - TATO 2

Once the TATO order is submitted, SBCA Staff will reach out to the enrolled individual with instructions on how to access the test. The purchaser will receive the TATO results by email within one business day once the TATO test is completed.

Individuals enrolled in TATO2 will have 30 days to complete the test.

Use TATO to determine if job candidates or current employees have the technical aptitude and skills required to succeed in the structural building components industry.

TATO 2 is an advanced truss industry specific test to determine a truss technician's level of knowledge and ability. It is a useful tool for taking inventory of design department skills, and helps clarify training priorities for individuals, as well as the entire design office.

TATO 2 covers more advanced material from the Truss Technician Training (TTT) programs and should give managers a sense for whether or not a technician is ready for TTT. SBCA originally developed TATO 2 at the request of truss design software companies in order to maximize software training time of incoming students.

TATO interactive online tests present a series of 50 questions in multiple choice or fill-in-the blank formats. The participant should have access to only the test, a paper and a pencil. Once the participant completes the test, usually after about an hour, the manager will receive the results via email on which questions were answered correctly.

Non-Member Price: $64
Member Price: $0