TTT Recertification Fee
TTT Recertification
Once the exam is passed, Truss Technician Training Certification is valid for three years, and may be renewed each year after the initial three years based on our 4-point system. The renewal process requires 4 activity points per additional year with a cap at five years from the current date (renewals may not exceed five years in advance). If the certificate is expired, 4 points per year are required for a renewal.
Technicians earn recertification credit by participating in qualifying industry related activities. Once a technician has accumulated the required points and submitted the supporting documentation and fee to SBCA, his or her certification is renewed and the technician will receive an updated certificate.
You may only submit renewal points during the three year renewal period. If your certification is expired, please submit the required points to be current according to the 4-point system explained above.
Please submit all points for the renewal at one time rather than making multiple submissions.
If your company participates in the SCORE program (listed here), your TTT Recertification is FREE. Please go to the TTT Recertification for SCORE Participating Companies page to renew.
Recertification Activities | Points |
Attend an SBCA Webinar or watch a recording of a past webinar | 3 Points |
Listen to an episode of SBCA's Component Connection Podcast or SBCA's Lumber Connection Podcast | 3 Points |
Attend an SBCA Chapter Meeting | 3 Points |
Attend an Open Quarterly Meeting | 4 Points |
Attend the BCMC Show | 6 Points |
Present a technical seminar for Building Officials, the local HBA, fire service, etc. Contact SBCA staff prior to the seminar date. | 12 Points |
Attend technical programs offered by Associate Members-e.g. plate, lumber, connector or EWP suppliers | Determined case-by-case, contact SBCA staff. |
Complete an accredited college-level course that demonstrates the technician's desire to further his/her career | Determined case-by-case, contact SBCA staff. If the course is deemed a valid recertification activity, it will earn 12 points. |
Other technical activities and programs | Determined case-by-case, contact SBCA staff. |
Recertification points must be earned during the current certification period and cannot be rolled over into subsequent recertification periods.